Thursday, September 10, 2009

some school & a swinging & a sliding

ben had another fun week at preschool. today there was a birthday party for a little girl in his class. i must say- knock on wood- preschool is going better than i could imagine for him. he loves every minute of it. he loves his teacher, his friends, learning, singing & his new found independence from momma. i know we will have our ups & downs with school, but we are so thankful for the teacher & friends we have with us there. my little boy is growing up fast. he even looks bigger all of a sudden.

sometimes after school, we play on the playground with friends but today (to gracie's disappointment) he said he was very ready to head home.

he was ready to play on the swingset at home with his sis & share his treatbag from the birthday party. here he is trying not to smile at me - little stinker!

this whole preschool thing & having some sort of a routine is really wearing us all out. thank goodness they have afternoon preschool, or we'd never make it! i think you can see how tired ben is here, too.

miss gracie is growing up lightening speed too. she's talking a lot more (thank goodness). every day, she has more & more to say. but her name is still "me." she has switched from baby swing to big kid swing..

this is her favorite way to swing. how fun! she discovered she could twist the swing herself & spin today. extra fun!!

2 more snapshots of my sweeties from playing outside today that i had to share with the grandparents.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Awesome pictures! Ben and Gracie are so darn photogenic! I am so glad Ben in loving school so much! You are such a good Momma! We miss you guys!