being a small town hoosier gal, i love me some
john mellancamp. one of my many favorite songs of his has always been
"hand to hold on to".
some of the lyrics here from good ole johnny couger:
And then those hours when you're alone
And there's no body there except yourself
I know it, you wanna pick up the phone
And say, "Talk to me, talk to me
Somebody please talk to me"
Every one needs a hand to hold on to
Every one needs a hand to hold on to
Don't need to be no strong hand
Don't need to be no rich hand
Every one just needs a hand to hold on to
anyways, i've always been a hand holder. with my hubby, my kiddos (who are always trying to wriggle free), my papaw (the entire night after mamaw passed away). it just provides comfort to me & hopefully the other person too.
today at the hospital, taking a break from coloring (yes, i know she's laying down on a germy hospital floor) she came up & asked me what i was doing sitting next to papaw while he was sleeping. "just holding his hand," i replied.
"why you doing dat?"
"i just like to."
so, she wanted to.
she touched it & then started to ask what every spot on that old hand was on there for, trying to pick them off.
those hands have years & years of hard work, my dear.
& then ben wanted to touch pap's hand.
so gentle. just a light pat.
the kiddos have been so good at the hospital, helpful & cheerful. i've tried to explain to the kiddos how papaw's strokes have made his body forget how to work some & he has to learn it all over again & we need to help him.
they helped with some of his exercises, hitting a balloon back & forth.
when pap raised his left arm to show justin, ben cheered, "that's a great job papaw!" & he meant it.
last night, gracie helped me wash papaw's feet. she did a fine job.
tonight when they left with daddy, pap asked for another pillow. ben rushed to get him one & insisted on placing it behind pap's head.
they both gave papaw hugs & kisses bye & ben told him, "you get better real fast papaw! i love you!"
in my head, i've been worrying about a lot of things. figuring out how to not disrupt their lives too much & fill it with the hospital but yet teach them how important it is to be there & take care others. wonderful friends & family have & are getting their share of ben & gracie time so they get some kid play time (thank you all for that!). but as i write this i realize they are "getting it." getting how important it is to take care of those we love so & appreciating the friends they get to play with while momma's doing her shift with pap. & getting it that in god's hands, it will be ok.
& papaw seems determined to get better. he's frustrated as hell that he can't pick up the utensils with his left hand (he's a leftie), but he is working at it. if he was awake, he was working out his arm, moving it to different positions with our help & stuff. he's got to be ready to chop down more trees!