Wednesday, October 28, 2009


daddio had to work super late last night. on those late nights, the kiddos really miss him. i try to make sure we have extra fun, to make the time go by quicker for us all.

we had a dance party complete with disco ball that lasted the entire dan zane's cd. he rocks, especially for "family music".

after that, some books & bed. which then required a snack of goldfish, apples & smoothies. the bed was nice crunchy- yuck.
ben is in need of a haircut. even i will admit it. but just a trim.

bedtime snack gave them energy for jumping fun. (this happens about every night though) we do not have the calm, peaceful bedtime routine that i always envisioned. i'm fine with that though. bedtime's pretty fun around here.

we gave daddy a call to tell him goodnight & then said our prayers! (ben's picture was staged - i asked him to show me how he prays at school. but that is really miss gracie praying - such a sweetpea)

we were actually all asleep earlier than when daddio is home (9:00 for the kiddos & 9:30 for me last night - woo hoo!). but, we are glad he will be home tonight at a decent hour (i hope).

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