Thursday, August 27, 2009

halloween costumes

someone last week mentioned halloween & i realized the kids & i haven't even talked about costumes yet. so last night we started looking & talking. we received a magazine in the the mail just for the occasion. ben had several he wanted to be; a dinosaur, a bakugan man (he doesn't even know what these are!), a ninja. we then remembered daddio brought him & gracie home some gowns homes from japan last winter. costume solved for ben! i asked him to pose for a picture & this is what he came up with. he's balancing on a bilibo to show his expert samuri/ninja skills. i'm lovin it!

miss gracie has her heart set on being a choo-choo - just like this. i don't think anything else will do at this point.


Aimee said...

Saw that Thomas costume, too. loved it! I always check out secondhand stores for costumes, especially now, when the kids are too young to care what they dress as.

Aimee said...

Saw this Thomas costume at Once Upon a Child today. Sizing was a little iffy though, tag said "up to 6".

sara said...

thanks! we got it!!