Tuesday, December 23, 2008

the new do..

here is his professional hair cut. he's my dollbaby. i'm so thankful the lady didn't shorten it too much. i care more about his hair than my own- a bit silly i know.

tonight, santa is visiting our home. the kiddos went to bed early so we could wrap & put together some things. nothing like waiting till the last minute. the kiddos got up at 4 this morning, due to beano puking. he felt all better by noon. daddio, on the other hand is starting to feel yucky. i hope he's feeling better for present time.
we've got lots of activities & a mini vacation coming up (to the smoky hills as beano calls them). i can't wait. i hope we magically get healthy.
merry christmas to all & happy birthday to my dear friend karen!!

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