Wednesday, December 24, 2008

away in a manger

here's papaw's manger scene he finally finished. he's been working on it since before grandma died. i am proud of him that he completed it & has it displayed. it was a labor of love. he has struggled since grandma passed away, especially on the holidays (she went into the hospital Christmas eve & never came out). but, he is getting better. i think my kiddos have a lot to do with that. kids just brighten up a day.

i just had to post some pictures of my little shepard boy & angel tonight. last night, before bed i was telling beano about when i was little & would be in the Christmas program. i told him, hopefully someday (when we better attend church) he would get to be in a Christmas program.
well, low & behold the program has changed at our church. any old kid is welcome to participate, no practice required. beano said "i'm so xited, what's a sheperd do?" he ran all the way to the dress area with a big smile on his face.
check out his smile. he is so happy. you can just see the anticipation and innocence in his eyes.

i can't get over how dern sweet he looks!

i love this picture of the boys. it's looks like their having a talk about their sheep, or that baby they heard was born in a manger.

all the kids did a great job. i loved it. beano was so sweet up there, he was really paying attention to the baby in the manger.

miss cecee was a bit worn out during manger time & didn't want to be an angel for long. daddy had to go rescue allie from the wriggling toddler at the front of the church right away. she was mighty cute though.

Merry Christmas to all! i look forward to posting about our christmas adventures over the past few weeks.


Anonymous said...

I am in! So glad Darby and Ben got to be together with Allie in the nativity scene at church! Gracie gave her best shot for a bit as an angel too!

The Jarrett Family said...

We love Might Machines too! Ben looks absolutely precious as a little shephard. I'm sure you were proud as can be!