we recently got back from a family vacation celebrating my great aunt & uncle's 50th wedding anniversary near panama city beach, florida. i was wondering how 14 people in one house would do (and how i would do being an only child), but the only tantrums thrown were by my now 2 year old and 3 1/2 year old that needed 2 trips to the urgent care center while there. not too bad.
we all had a wonderful time & i loved catching up with everyone.
my great aunt dee (deedee we call her) and uncle paul are 2 very special people. i, along with many other people, do not know what i would do without them. if anyone ever needs help with anything- bam- they are there. & they expect a thing in return. that's just how they are. they are the most loving & giving people i have ever known. they helped raise me & are now helping to raise my 2 kiddos. they are such awesome people & i feel so blessed to have them in my life.
here is paul wearing his top hat from the vacation fairy that would leave special things for the kiddos to do each day in honor of their anniversary.
& deedee in her crown & boa. lovely!
i wish you many more years of happiness together. i love you both!
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