after appointments, if the kids are "good", we go & throw a penny into the fountain, get a cookie from the cookie store and then walk past all the coin operated rides. yesterday, they were extra good. they waited patiently, ben let dr. schultz look at his knee (he couldn't walk on it last week) and they were not too loud while i was talking to dr. schultz. so we played on the rides. no coins required, they had a great time playing & pretending.
"ice cream for sale!"
peek a boo! there's some mall walkers behind him. that's about the majority of the people at the mall.
taking the red car for a spin..
they played great together & were slmost always playing on the same one.
i love how they have similar expressions trying to get that car to go.
as far as ben's knee goes, the jury's still out. he's walking on it fine now, but complains from time to time. the doctor gave us another xray order to look at his hip as well. this is the second time all of a sudden he couldn't walk. poor guy.
hope all are having a good week!
did the Xray show anything bad? What is wrong with his hip?
Really, your Kids are so beautiful.
Hope your little man is doing better soon but it looks like the Ice cream helped a lot.
your kids are beautiful! hope B is feeling better! hope momma gets some rest and relaxation too!
love, karen
hi angie,
we didn't have it xrayed again. i don't know what has been wrong with his leg (he points to his knee where it hurts). something the doctor said we will have to watch closely... he's doing much better though now. thanks for your kind words!!
Poor little guy...I can't imagine how frustrated he must be not being able to go, go, go! Hopefully, you'll get some answers or it will go away for good. Hugs from the Jarrett's!
I'm a mommy too. It is just always hard for us to see our kid in pain.
I'm glad he is doing better
Have a great day
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