we go to bed late around here compared to most families i think.
our evening routine consists of:
6ish: eat supper (hopefully daddio's home)
6:30 get all wound up since daddio's home
maybe go for a walk or have a dance party
7:30 or 8: take a bath
8:30 book time (& sometimes a thomas the tank engine video)
9:00 lights out
daddio often falls asleep during book time, bless his heart. he gets up waaay early &snores waaay too loud.
i love late nights with the kids. we say our prayers & bless all of our family & friends. deedee & paul have been on beano's #1 prayer list for quite a while now. we talk about what our favorite things about the day were. beano will often tell what he did wrong that day & that he was sorry.
after that, we cuddle & i nurse cecee to sleep on one side and hold beano in my other arm. i love to hold them & look at their sweet faces & feel their breathing. they are such a gift from god. i love to fell comforted knowing my family is all in bed together; daddio, beano, cecee bella, me & zakky.
i usually get up & leave beano & daddio in bed and get on here. this is why i am so tired!!!
here's a picture from beano taking a nap at papaw's house a few months ago.
i think her necklace sets of the picture that much more!
the picture of bean & cecee napping together didn't last long. i moved her into the other bed with me.
tomorrow is saturday, yipee! we will wake up & all eat breakfast together in bed watching cartoons, my favorite! i think we will be needing a bigger bed someday if we are to have any more join us! good night & have a great weekend!!!
1 comment:
Oh I just love sleeping babies!! That first picture of the 2 of them is simply precious!
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